Saturday, July 30, 2011

I picked up shares of Medtronic (MDT) for $35.75 a share on yesterday, as the market responded to the failure of Congress to fix the National Debt problem.

My Economics degree continues, as I push toward a Ph. D. in Econometrics way down the road. I'm Pi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Physics Student of the Year and Welding Student of the Year at the Community College I just graduated from, and now I'm trying hard to stay at the big university without financial support from outside. Education is the best investment; they can't take it away from you. I'm 30 hours from Law School, my university advisor tells me, but I don't want a "Dispute Resolution" degree; I want an Economics degree (69 hours). Its' hard stuff, but the Ph. D. is only attainable via the math based BS, MS and then Ph. D. My credibility as a thinker on monetary matters in the years ahead requires a Ph. D. in Economics and a CFA, and nothing else will substitute.