Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Diary,

It's been several years since I shut this down in paper form to fight with the IRS and its immoral and illegitimate personal income tax (2nd Plank of "The Communist Manifesto). I've decided to go in the opposite direction of poverty and homeless shelters and rather reestablish my positive relationships with business leaders. Perhaps, we will still win the battle for Constitutional government and individual liberty.

Currently, I'm loading up on Harley Davidson (HOG) and American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) at 12 times current earnings per share and lower in a ROTH IRA I started a few weeks ago. I'm expecting that HOG should hit $96 per share and that AEO should hit $56 per share within the next 2 years, my horizon for a Buffett styled business investment.

A hay farmer in Montana expressed interest in me investing some of his profits in the stock market a few months ago. We'll see. My CPA is good with the idea but wants me to write up a good agreement to protect us both from heirs, should one of us pass away.

Happy Thanksgiving, Diary.