Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Dear Diary,

Harley Davidson (HOG) reported a $0.30 dividend paid yesterday. The stock is trending downward today.

The Federal Reserve lowered the long bond to 4.25% from 4.5% yesterday. This generally causes the relative value of stocks to go up in price a bit. The market was not impressed, seeking a half point move rather than the quarter point drop they got, so overall, stocks actually went down some.

Mr. Buffet is reported in the news as wanting to pay more taxes. I applaud him for wanting to pay more taxes. I think people who can make tons of money in the stock market should be happy to cover more of national expenses. After all, this stuff is pretty easy to do. We could replace the current income tax on the labor of working people (slavery) with one on increase from assets, similar to the biblical tithe concept. Of course, it needs to be constitutional.
