Sunday, November 9, 2008


Dear Diary,

The AHG money showed up in my brokerage account 2 days after the stated closing date, just as expected.

HUN has seen the banks try to walk away from the deal they had to sell out for $28 per share, so a law suite is going forward against the banks by the buyer, Apollo Group (Hexon). Meanwhile, HUN is negotiating to try to get the closing price down to about $25.25 per share after the judge in the case ruled that the deal must go through as planned. I like the internal economics of HUN well enough to own it at $8 per share, like the "cigar butt" that Mr. Buffett often references. In a Graham styled "cigar butt" deal, you are simply buying a company so cheap that losing money becomes hard under any circumstances. I'm looking at book value here of $8.50 a share in "Value Line."
