Sunday, August 21, 2011

Christian or Gandhian

I was just watching a PBS special on the "Pentagon Papers," and I began to contemplate a Buffett axiom that in order to be a great investor, we must first be absolutely honest with ourselves.

In that vein, I have been troubled with my Christian background since the reading a few years ago of a book entitled, "Jesus, Interrupted," by Bart D. Ehrman. I can no longer defend the pretense that Christian Truth is equivalent to Gandhian Truth. There are real problems in Christian Truth that are quite subjective and quantifiably errant, and I will allow the above described book speak for itself. Gandhi stated, "I worship God as truth only." I do believe that there exists a spirit about the universe that is both math-centric and truth-centric. This spirit seems benign, other than to say that there are laws based in math and cause-and-effect truth. This is what drives me into the study of economics. I must conclude that I am no longer to be classified as Christian but Gandhian: "I worship God as truth only."

Gene Chapman